“Teachers Integrating Rural Life in Australia”

If you’re contemplating a move to the land Down Under, Australia offers a lot more than bustling city life and skyscrapers. Nestled deep in the heart of the gold rush trails in central New South Wales, lies the historic town of Forbes, charmingly located on a curve of the Lachlan River.

The town and its surrounding hinterlands are home to approximately 9,300 people, set in the fertile farming lands of the Lachlan Valley. This agricultural focus is evident in the curriculum at the co-educational Red Bend Catholic College, which hosts around 900 students. They are currently on the lookout for educators, especially in fields such as English literature, maths, physics, chemistry, history, and geography.

The good news for those from Ireland is that their qualifications are fully recognised across all Australian states and territories. Forbes provides a unique opportunity for Irish expatriates to broaden their perspectives and boost their income, without sacrificing the leisurely lifestyle they may be accustomed to back home.

It’s not just about teaching though, it’s also a unique chance to experience Australian farming on a grand scale, where everything from the livestock to the ranches are vast in size.

Red Bend Catholic College is situated on a functioning 100-acre farm and upholds a Marist ethos inspired by secular staff. As Irish-born principal Stephen Dwyer elucidates, “Our college promotes an accessible and captivating Catholic education in the Marist tradition, cultivating audacious, resilient and morally informed global citizens. Our community is energised by a strong sense of familial spirit where every member feels valued and connected.”

The college employs around 85 teachers, and an additional 100 support staff to oversee the day and boarding schools and farm operations. Boarding students are accommodated in two separate residences, some staying throughout the 40-week academic year and others staying weekdays only – returning to their family homes for the weekends.

While it’s true that the academic prowess of the college is exceptional, the institution also offers vocational pathways in hospitality, primary industries, and construction. Given the large expanse of surrounding land, the college boasts a flourishing agricultural department where students gain practical experience on the operating farm.

Mr. Dwyer emphasises the dedication of their school to welcoming Irish teachers and allowing them to fully engage with all that is at their disposal. He highlights that Irish educators are formally qualified to teach in Australia. He outlines the exhaustive measures they take to facilitate working holiday visas and sponsorships and even offer job opportunities for their spouses or partners.

Mr. Dwyer further explains that Irish citizens below 35 can pursue teaching opportunities in Australia through a working holiday visa. During this term, options for a sponsorship visa will also be explored.

The teaching staff at their college is diverse with educators from nations like Fiji, Kenya, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, the Philippines, and Canada.

Regarding what potential migrants can anticipate, Red Bend Catholic College takes pride in its nurturing, secure, and supportive working surrounding. It presents attractive pay packages and continuous advancements in professional skills with exceptional, technologically equipped teaching facilities, creating a modern learning atmosphere for their students.

Mr Dwyer prides on their ability to encourage teachers to engage in focused and specific professional growth. With a large regional college harbouring over 900 students, numerous opportunities exist for assuming roles of responsibility if one wishes so. The school strongly promotes maintaining a wholesome balance between work and personal life.

The staff is bestowed with access to the school’s gym and swimming facilities. Forbes, the location of the school, is a sporting town with two gyms and an active sporting culture including football, netball, tennis, golf, rugby league and rugby union clubs, an indoor heated pool, an outdoor 50-metre community pool, as well as a water sports conducive ski-dam.

In Mr. Dwyer’s words, Forbes is small enough to foster a wonderful community while large enough to provide all necessary services.

Forbes is famous for its heritage buildings and its bushranger history, as home to notorious Ben Hall, who directed the largest gold theft in Australia. A newly developed, top-tier sculpture trail drawing tourists both local and international also contributes to its reputation.

Located on the Newell Highway, Forbes can be found mid-way between Melbourne and Queensland’s state capital, Brisbane. With just a short journey from Sydney, Canberra – the nation’s capital – and the picturesque Snowy Mountains, Forbes serves as the ideal base to take in Australia’s majestic natural scenery and rich urban life, all whilst pursuing a fulfilling career path.

In recent times, Colin Hawthorn of Red Bend earned the prestigious title of the best VET agriculture instructor in the western region. This awarded celebrated his over 40 years of unwavering commitment to teaching and, in the past decade, his mentorship efforts to train future educators. As a significant figure in New South Wales’ agricultural scene, and also the school farm’s manager, Mr Hawthorn is known for his dedication in guiding the students into fruitful agriculture-related careers. He characterises the College as a welcoming and casual institution committed to active student engagement. Many students are from agricultural backgrounds, and notably, Mr Hawthorn completed his secondary education at Red Bend himself.

Being an active farmer running a mixed agriculture and livestock business, he believes, provides him an edge in keeping students informed about modern technologies and sustainable farming practices.

Regarding international staff looking to relocate, Mr Dwyer believes Australia, particularly their school, could be an enticing prospective for young families whose children might someday join the institution. He also points out that their partners could find employment opportunities in the vicinity, immersing themselves in Australia’s natural wonders.

Mr Dwyer mentions that the College has a demonstrated tradition of welcoming teaching staff from overseas, equipped with established procedures to aid a smooth transition. He adds that a common sentiment amongst new staff is the feeling of being well received in the college due to its authentic familial ambiance and robust collective efficacy.

Support in seeking suitable housing, be it in Forbes town, other neighbouring rural towns, or even on a farm, is readily available. Mr Dwyer mentions that the goal is to ensure all staff are integrated into the College community with strong ties to the local sporting, cultural, and social events.

He notes that Red Bend Catholic College always aims higher and is eager to continue inspiring its students’ minds, hearts, and spirits. New teaching staff additions are always welcomed.

For an overview of employment openings at Red Bend Catholic College, visit their website at redbendcc.nsw.edu.au.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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