“TD Criticises Racial Harassment Targeting Electoral Contestants”

Fine Gael TD Fergus O’Dowd has led a call for measures to protect election candidates from racial abuse and vandalism of their campaign materials. He pointed out the recent occurrence where the Irish Freedom Party scrawled the phrase ‘Ireland Is Full’ on the posters of his party associate, Ejiro O’Hare-Stratton, who is a candidate in the Drogheda urban area.

O’Dowd, a former minister, addressed the Dáil warning that there is a significant surge in racially-motivated abuse against diverse candidates varying in race, nationality and faith. He emphasised that all politicians, regardless of affiliation, ought to take a stand against this.

During this discourse, O’Dowd shared the story of Ms O’Hare-Stratton, an immigrant who arrived in Drogheda more than three decades prior through the Medical Missionaries of Mary. She became a nurse and later earned a master’s degree in hospital administration. She’s a mother of four, with two doctors, a dentist, and a university freshman who competes in athletics for Ireland. Also, she founded the Hands 4 Unity, fostering unity among different community groups in Drogheda.

O’Dowd urged his fellow Dáil members to collectively express condemnation towards these activities and ensure they are addressed promptly. Responding on behalf of the Government, the Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien echoed O’Dowd’s sentiments, having witnessed the hate-filled attacks on Ms O’Hare-Stratton’s campaign. He also brought attention to a Fianna Fáil candidate in Limerick, Suzzie O’Deniyi, who he said, is subjected to horrific abuse.

Minister O’Brien stressed the need for unity to counter this rise in racial abuse, acknowledging the increase in candidates from various backgrounds now engaging in local politics, which he wholeheartedly supports.

The assaults carried out on campaigns and the harassment faced by candidates, irrespective of their origins, are utterly detestable and every group and member of this House should denounce them. Mr O’Brien further stated, “I’d like to extend my best wishes to Ejiro O’Hare-Stratton for her campaign and encourage her to press on, which I’m confident she will do.”
