“Sun Mahshene: Solid, Serviceable Debut”

Sun Mahshene, boasting an international line-up hailing from Ireland, Britain, and Poland, doesn’t shy away from acknowledging their musical inspirations. This Dublin-based group of six radiates notes heavily reminiscent of The War on Drugs, Ride, and Oasis, churning out sounds that echo the indie rock of the nineties. What’s more, the fact that their music has been mastered by Mark Gardener from Ride, will surely resonate with their target audience.

Nathan Henderson leads the band which was established in 2018. They’ve shifted towards a ‘post-shoegaze’ tone, diverging from their initial ventures into psychedelic rock. Their breakthrough, however, didn’t occur until 2022 during the recording of their song, Reverie, in studio.

Their first album highlights the track Reverie, one of the group’s more bold compositions with its energetic multilayered rhythm, the relentless pulse of heartland rock and an insistent beat. One can readily visualize Noel Gallagher voicing the sparkling track Pale Azure, with verses such as “I’m gazing at the sky, observing the sunset / Fantasizing of an escape from this limited town” set against a delicate synth sparkle. Rise is an example of several of their songs that weave an undertow of electronica throughout.

Their ‘wall of sound’ is generally pleasing to the ear, however, their choice of lyrics can sometimes seem trite and a bit heavy-handed. See for example the phrases from Turning Tide’s “My open heart’s on a shelf and my love’s lost itself / Everything has a place, by the universe’s grace” or Henderson’s words of wisdom offering advice to “Nurture your heart and allow it soar / Make some time just for you”. Instrumental track Fluorescent shows potential with its asynchronous drone, but it feels overstretched and overcooked, timing at over six minutes. World’s rousing chorus and the enjoyable rumble of its raw guitars bring more satisfaction.

There’s no denying that Sun Mahshene’s deep respect for a particular sound and generation is both their main asset and their prime shortcoming. They certainly showcase impressive musical skill and dedication, but it’s also clear that this style has been explored before. However, with a bit more refinement, bravery and a lesser tendency to idolize their influences, their next output has the potential to be exceptional. In the meantime, their debut satisfies as a commendable first attempt.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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