“Summer Salad with Tonnato”

To create the tonnato sauce, you will need the following ingredients:

– 2 fillets of anchovy
– 1 tablespoon of caper berries
– 1 can of tuna in olive oil (a minimum drained weight of 100g is needed)
– A single garlic clove
– 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
– The juice from half a lemon
– 1 tablespoon of dill
– 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
– Salt and black pepper for seasoning

Additionally, you will require 260g of cherry tomatoes, 4 handfuls of shredded lettuce, 4 gently boiled and peeled eggs (halved), 16-20 olives, and buttered sourdough toast.

Begin by placing the anchovy fillets, capers, tuna, garlic, mustard, lemon juice, dill and mayonnaise into a food processor or a blender operating at high speed. The mixture needs to be seasoned with a generous amount of black pepper and, if required, a small pinch of salt. It is likely that there will be sufficient saltiness from the capers, so add slowly. Process the ingredients until they are of a smooth consistency and then set aside.

Proceed to lightly mist the cherry tomatoes with a bit of olive oil before roasting them in the oven or an air fryer for several minutes. Optionally, this can also be done on a pan by heating and slightly blistering the tomatoes to enhance their taste. Set these aside after cooking.

The preparation of the lettuce involves rolling the leaves together before slicing them up. Divide the shredded lettuce amongst four separate bowls and top with the cherry tomatoes, halved boiled eggs and olives. The finally assembled dish can be completed by generously drizzling the tonnato sauce over it before serving.
