“Summer Camps – an Underserved Market Niche”

Dear Editor,

I recently enjoyed perusing Damian Cullen’s article dealing with the subject of summer camps. Despite the captivating content, I couldn’t help but feel a trace of melancholy (“Summer camps 2024: A Guide to the Premier and Most Frequented Non-Sports Camps”, Your Family, 4th of June). It posed a question: why are there no designated summer camps for those aged 65 and above?

It seems unfortunate that opportunities for seniors to participate in activities such as bridge nights, artistic pursuits, choir practices, music exploration, and language tuition are all suspended during the warmer months.
It’s important to remember that even the elderly population relishes mental stimulation, not to mention the camaraderie these classes foster.

Kind regards,

Louise Reeves,
Co Kildare.
