Stoner on 2008 championship: disappointed but Rossi deserving

Valentino has won the MotoGP championship, but not without an exciting race with more protagonists than just the Italian.
Stoner, Pedrosa and Lorenzo certainly gave the public some entertainment, at the end of an emotional season.
Stoner was having a tough race with wrist pain, fatigue and precarious physical conditions, but showed that he could still do battle.

He is now ready to turn the page, with the aim of closing a year full of emotion, victories and crashes that have certainly taught the young Australian rider a thing or two.
Commenting on his performance in this race, Stoner said: “Unfortunately in the second half of the race I started to get tired in the changes of direction and I was having to close the gap coming out of the corners to get into the next one – simply because I didn’t have the strength to flick the bike over with the throttle open.
The lap times dropped off and when Valentino came past I couldn’t keep up.
”It’s never easy losing, though when you do, it should always be to a champion.

Stoner complimented Rossi on the season, saying “He’s had an amazing season – he only made one mistake at Assen and the rest of the time he’s been on the podium, winning races.
He’s a worthy champion – eight world titles show that – and I want to congratulate him for that.
Stoner is evidently disappointed with the way things have gone, especially with his own performance and that of Yamaha.
But the young rider is now off to Australia, to his home turf, and will be looking to next season, after this important one in the development of himself as a rider.
Stoner seems more serence, and accepting, and should be placed next year to give us some exciting challenges.

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