Still Awaiting Progress on Bus Connects

Dear Sir,

As a habitual passenger of the Dublin Bus service, I keep a careful watch on the progress of Bus Connects, supervised by the National Transport Authority (NTA). At varying intervals, I make inquiries about the scheduling of two improved routes that could potentially lessen my usual commute of 13km to work, currently taking 90 to 120 minutes. However, every query is met with the same response from the NTA – a delay in the commencement of the new routes. So far, the process has been postponed by a minimum of two years, barring any other hindrances due to “resource limitations”.

Why hasn’t there been any measure of accountability enforced upon the NTA for their lack of effective planning or implementation, or both?

Yours sincerely,
Deirdre Cooper,
Dublin 16, Knocklyon.

Written by Staff

Train Schedules for Ireland

Kicking Together – Football Harmony