“State Funds UK’s Omagh Inquiry”

In line with a recent Cabinet decision, Ireland will lend its support to the impending UK investigation into the Omagh bombing. The initial hearing, overseen by Lord Turnbull, has been scheduled for July 30th. The 1998 incident in Omagh, undertaken by the Real IRA, caused the death of 29 individuals, one of whom was a mother-to-be carrying twins. A judge from the Belfast High Court in 2021 had advocated for a probe in line with human rights into the alleged security shortcomings before the bombing took place. The Coalition pledged its support to this investigation last year.

Critical approval for aiding the inquiry was secured by Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin, and Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, on a recent Tuesday. Spokesman for the Government confirmed that this move respected the promise made to the families in Omagh. Ireland will also be an observer at the preliminary hearing on July 30th after accepting an invitation. The inquiry tasked Foreign Affairs and Justice officials for collaboration, especially for optimising engagement throughout the investigation in the UK.

Eamon Ryan, the Minister for the Environment and Transport, separately discussed about the CIÉ’s annual report for 2023 at the Cabinet briefing. The details included progress in National Broadband Plan (NBP) and drafting a strategy to address potential conflicts between the seafood industry and the offshore wind sector. CIÉ Group, inclusive of Irish Rail, Bus Éireann and Dublin Bus, saw a growth in revenue last year – up by €189 million, totalling €1.6 billion. The number of passenger trips exceeded the numbers prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, nearing 300 million. There was a surge in Dublin Bus ridership by 25 million, reaching 146 million – the highest in two decades. Lastly, National Broadband Ireland, the company spearheading the NBP roll-out, assured that the execution will be within the committed maximum budget of €2.7 billion and on schedule, regardless of pandemic-induced delays.

The newly formed internet network has passed 261,000 premises as part of a larger scheme that involves a total of 600,000 premises. These properties can now be immediately linked to broadband. To date, 86,000 premises have been connected, with an extra 5,500 pending connections. The uptake rates have reportedly surpassed initial expectations.

Mr. Ryan has shared plans on the establishment of a nationwide framework agreement between the seafood and offshore renewable energy industries. The agreement is intended to promote necessary pre-construction surveys for the advancement of offshore wind projects. These projects are believed to hold key importance in achieving Ireland’s goals for renewable energy, climate protection, energy security and competitiveness.

Before this, developers and affected parties have had to individually negotiate agreements at the local level. A government representative mentioned that this process has been challenging. The proposed nationwide framework seeks to safeguard the interests of the seafood industry while also ensuring the timely progression and implementation of offshore renewable initiatives.”
