Spies, Haga and Biaggi on Races 1 and 2

Race 1 Quotes:Ben Spies (Yamaha World Superbike): “It was an extremely tough race, I had an OK start and when I got to the back of Nori and Max, we were all very strong on separate parts of the track.
I was lacking a little bit off the last corner and it was very hard to make the pass, but once past, I put my head down and was able to keep it clean for the win despite a couple of mistakes.

”Noriyuki Haga (Ducati Xerox): “It was quite hard at the end, I got a good start and after a few laps I was able to pass Max on the straight.
A few laps more and he passed me again and it was difficult for me to catch up.
I pushed on the last lap and did it and was very happy with the result.
”Max Biaggi (Aprilia Racing): “I tried to keep up and have a good rhythm without losing concentration.
We have a new bike and every session we try to improve, but it’s not easy to win right away.

These guys did a great job, I rode very hard and today I was comfy, both front and rear, and looking good.
”Race 2 Quotes:Ben Spies (Yamaha World Superbike): “Nori set a really good pace the first few laps.
We were lacking just a little in acceleration and it was hard to race with him, but I put my head down and closed up, kept the same rhythm and passed him.
It was a better race for me than the first one because I could concentrate on my lines, but it’s going to be hard making up points on him if he keeps finishing second.
It was a perfect weekend, they’re not always going to be like that but we’ll take them when we can.
”Noriyuki Haga (Ducati Xerox): “I am really tired but happy for the result in race 2.
When Ben passed me, I tried to stay with him but he is very fast.
In one second he was going to 100 metres so I could not catch him! We made a good job, and I am leading the championship.
Today, for me, Ben is ten years younger than me so that’s why I lose!”Max Biaggi (Aprilia Racing): “It was a great race, we confirmed our potential and the feeling we have on this track, which has always been good to me.
I think the bike works well, we still have to improve but we are very pleased with the result.
For sure we know these guys are a little bit quicker, they run hard and deserve what they did, but I am confident to improve during the season and get some good points.
