Sources of natural anxiety relief

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© PakaLoeff (Flickr)
CBT skills to manage anxiety
CBT skills provide natural relief for anxiety

CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach, aimed at helping those suffering from common problems, such as anxiety and depression. Learning simple CBT skills will provide effective ways of preventing anxiety from taking over one’s life. A significant benefit of this form of treatment is that all one requires is a workbook to begin accessing helpful tools.

Graded exposure therapy

One very practical skill used within CBT is known as graded exposure therapy and involves taking small steps in changing behaviours. An exposure schedule involving daily exercises helps the anxiety sufferer to increase their confidence and is able to provide permanent relief from phobias and fears.

Grounding techniques

CBT self help guides and workbooks provide useful grounding techniques, helping the sufferer to remain in the present. Grounding may involve imagery, phrase repetition, breathing exercises and holding a familiar object.
Herbal remedies for anxiety
Natural treatments for anxiety may include taking herbal remdies, such as valerian and Feverfew, both of which may be purchased from pharmacies and health food stores. Always seek medical advice before taking any herbal anxiety supplement.

Valerian and Feverfew anxiety remedies

For those suffering from mild to moderate levels of anxiety, it is well worth considering opting for a natural anti-anxiety treatment. Valerian may be purchased in root form, as a herbal tea or tincture, while Feverfew is also available as a vegetarian capsule.

These natural remedies will help to calm both body and mind, without requiring a prescription. Additional herbal medicine for anxiety includes kava kava, German chamomile and passionflower.
Mindfulness meditation to manage anxiety
Mindfulness meditation

Eastern approaches to anxiety and depression management are becoming increasingly popular in the West. One such approach, known as mindfulness meditation, helps the sufferer to stay in the present and not dwell on symptoms or negative thoughts.

Mindfulness exercises may be found in self help guides, with a range of CDs available. Through remaining in the present, the anxiety associated with past or future events is overcome. This lowers physical arousal, leading to increased feelings of calm and a reduction in symptoms.

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