Smoked Salmon Potato Bake Salad


– Refined sea salt
– 1kg mid-size rooster potatoes
– Soft butter, for the oven plate lining
– 200g of salmon with a smoked flavour
– 30g of butter, diced
– Refined sea salt and cracked black pepper
– 200ml of unadulterated cream
– 50g parmesan cheese, grated
– 3 tbsp of high-quality olive oil
– 1 tbsp of white vinegar from wine
– A half tbsp of Dijon type mustard
– A handful of mint leaves, freshly picked
– A handful of parsley leaves, freshly picked
– A handful of dill sprigs

Get the oven to a 190C heat level. Have a big pot of water brought to a boil, ensure it’s seasoned generously with salt. Strip the roosters of their skin, then have them join the water for a partly boiling process of 5-6 minutes, afterwards, sieve and let it moderate its temperature.

Next, the potatoes should be sever into slices of 2cm in thickness. The oven dish should then have a soft butter lining attached to it. Create a foundation by placing a layer of half of the smoked salmon. Follow this by having a uniform layer of the severs potato. The potato layer then gets a seasoning from salt, pepper, and the diced butter. Top this up with a second layer of the remaining samlmon, followed by another layer of potatoes. In a tiny pot, warm up the cream then cascade the cream across the layers of salmon and potato and put a final layer of grated Parmesan. Bake this for 25 minutes in an oven set to 190C till it caramelises.

While this is happening, prepare the vinaigrette. In a bowl, have oil, wine vinegar, Dijon mustard and a smidge of salt and pepper brought together by whisking them, then let it be.

After 25 minutes, when the bake is golden and caramelised, remove from the oven and let it stand for about 5 minutes before serving it.

Immediately before serving, apply a light dressing of vinaigrette to the fresh mint, parsley, and dill. Serve this at the side of the baked potato and smoked salmon.
