Sleeping with Robbie Williams: Paola Iezzi says no

Italian singer Paola Iezzi lost a chance to sleep with Robbie Williams when he apparently asked her to spend the night with him after spotting her in the front row at one of his concerts in Milan.
In an interview with Vanity Fair, she says she regrets having said no, and we would have to agree; we imagine it would have been quite an experience.

Paola Iezzi and Robbie Williams may have been quite a match, as the singer also discussed her sexual orientation and that of her sister, Chiara Iezzi with the magazine.
She says: “Our friends say we are “gay” on the inside.
We are not homosexuals but with the gay world we share the same taste in image and the courage to play around with transgression.
”We wonder if the opportunity to hop into bed with Robbie came her way again, would she transgress enough to agree! And more to the point, we didn’t know Robbie Williams checked out the front row of his concert audiences looking for girls to pick up….
After the jump, see Paola Iezzi’s “Alone” single where she explores androgyny, and a video with the two sisters where you can see how the lesbian label could fit.
