Skiing in Italy: snowboard park and tax free shopping in Livigno

Livigno is one of Italy’s ski resorts in the Lombardy region, and is also a playground in summer months for a mountain visit.
In winter it is a real fairytale land, with plenty of skiing and shopping to be had.
It is a tax free area in Italy so if you’re looking for Armani fashion at low prices, then book yourself a holiday.

Among the attractions of Livigno is the LivignoPark Carosello 3000, a snowboard snow park in Italy including rails and jumps, boardercross track and a wood park.
There are also structures and fun for children and families.
The high point of the park is at 2,650 metres of altitude and is reached by a six person cable car.
Christmas markets are currently underway in Livigno, and a snow attraction called capanne di neve holds igloos and other snow structures made for the Christmas months.
Italy has had some really great snow over the last couple of weeks, making it an excellent option for a European ski trip.
