Sinn Féin to choose new secretary

Sinn Féin’s long-standing party activist and present general secretary, Ken O’Connell, has announced his impending resignation. Having indicated to fellow party members that he won’t be contending for the ardrúnaí role at the forthcoming Sinn Féin ardfheis, he has sparked a search for a new general secretary.

Mr O’Connell, a native of Co Wicklow, transitioned into full-time involvement with Sinn Féin during the 1981 hunger strikes era. Prior to assuming his position as general secretary in 2020, he directed the party’s political operations over the 26 counties for approximately ten years.

In his message to the Sinn Féin membership, Mr O’Connell assured he will fully back his successor and emphasised the crucial juncture the party was transitioning into with a general election looming in the 26 counties. He made mention of their recent triumphant and historic wins in the Northern elections, with the leadership of Michelle O’Neill as the ‘First Minister for All’.

Additionally, Mr O’Connell spurred on party members to be increasingly proactively engaged ahead of the upcoming general election in the South. He recapped the party’s recent unveiling of an “ambitious” housing plan and its affordable childcare propositions.

He voiced his conviction that a Sinn Féin-led government in both North and South – spearheaded by Sinn Féin president Mary Lou McDonald TD – epitomised a fresh perspective for a new Ireland. An Ireland that prioritises the working class, fosters a more conducive environment for family begitting and fosters unity and comradeship across the nation.

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