Sinn Féin Reviews Activist Growth

Sinn Féin is preparing to reevaluate its organisational structure, in light of concerns that their efforts to foster active membership has been less successful than hoped. The party is believed to have a membership base of over 10,000, but there are suspicions among some factions that not all Sinn Féin members are equally active.

The Dundalk branch submitted a proposal, noting that numerous Sinn Féin supporters find it challenging to devote the necessary time and resources demanded of full party membership. The branch further suggested that current membership figures could potentially misrepresent the party’s overall strength and the number of active members.

The branch’s proposal goes on to advocate for establishing a distinct membership tier, where some members wouldn’t have identical rights to those members who are activists.

The party’s governing body, the Ard Chomhairle, presented a motion for consideration to the delegates in Athlone, calling for a reassessment of organisational structures. According to the motion, the existing organisation of Sinn Féin has served the party well for a considerable period.

The motion goes on to suggest that the current structure above the cumann level as it stands when functioning correctly, facilitates consistent and dependable interaction between party leadership and active members. However, when the system is failing, this communication deteriorates leading to disconnection and withdrawal.

The motion concedes that efforts to motivate members to take on more active roles have been somewhat lacking. The approval of this motion will result in the formation of an Ard Chomhairle commission to review the efficacy of the existing party structures and membership framework.

Members are set to deliberate on approximately 188 motions over this weekend’s ardfheis, including possibilities for achieving a united Ireland, delivery of affordable housing and the aspiration to establish an “Irish National Health Service” among other topics.

Written by Staff

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