Shopping in Rome: women’s design shop

Cultural and women’s design association Leartigiane.
it recently opened their new shop in Rome, near Torre Argentina, where you can find furniture, interior decorations, jewellery and handmade clothes on display.
The association is design to support women’s craftmanship and the shop is a showcase for paintings and accessories, too, being a small corner of art and design on the Rome shopping scene.

The association was established in 1999 and now the Leartiginae.
it shop provides a space for weekly “exhibitions” where the members change the works on sale.
Sometimes running to a particular theme, the shop recently had a focus on pets and was selling the service of pet portaits done at owners’ homes.
Other creations, including examples like cachemire fabric sold for made-to-measure pullovers, can also be purchased online and the name of the shop as a website is designed to promote the online component of the association.
Bruna Pietropaoli of the organisation says:Shopping in Rome: Leartigiane.
it “Craftwork attracts the interest of many young women who we decide to host by evaluating the quality of their projects and the materials used.

A trend that we’re currently seeing is the personalisation of products, and a tendency towards “eco” lines.
For example, many works use recycled materials.
”You can see women’s design from Rome on Leartigiane.
it or by visiting the shop at number 72, via di Torre Argentina.
