Share your opinion: What compelled you to vote against the proposals in the referendums?

The proposed modifications to the constitutional definition of family and care-related matters faced a significant defeat in recent referendums held on Saturday, including a record-setting 73.9% majority voting against the care issue. Given this outcome, we’re eager to understand your perspective – what prompted you to vote No in the referendums?

During the Saturday morning ballot counts, it emerged that the suggested amendments regarding family and care matters weren’t going to get the green light. Despite having support from the three ruling parties, Sinn Féin, the majority of the Opposition, and various prominent campaign groups, it didn’t make much difference. Despite some reservations, the campaign failed to grab the public’s interest. What are your thoughts on why this happened?

Did the proposals completely rub you the wrong way? Was there any confusion or uncertainty in the referendums for you? If the wording was changed, do you think you would have voted differently, or are you determinedly against these issues?

You can share your viewpoints by filling out the form provided below. We kindly ask you to keep your responses shorter than 400 words. Kindly provide a phone number, solely for verification purposes. Should you wish to remain unidentified, just mention it in your submission – we’ll ensure the privacy of your contact details, but they will be needed for cross-verification.

We will select a variety of submissions to feature in an upcoming piece, but please be aware that we may not be able to publish every submission we receive.
