Share Your Experience: Was the CAO Effective for You?

The method used by the Central Applications Office (CAO) to enrol students in higher education programmes has been declared as “primitive, antiquated, and unjust” by school leaders. The system, according to the National Association of Principals and Deputies (NAPD), creates an illusion of equity and clarity, but actually neglects students’ optimum benefits.
They highlighted the instances of pupils achieving the peak Leaving Cert points, 625, yet missed out on their desired college programmes, some of which were allotted via a random draw this year, to emphasise the system’s unevenness.
As hordes of college freshmen embark their academic journey this week, simultaneously others await the CAO’s offer round two on Monday hoping for an advanced course preference.
In response to these statements by the school leaders, we invite you to share your own experiences with the CAO. Did the system function in your favour?
Please fill out the form underneath to share your thoughts. A chosen few of these shared experiences will be utilized to shape an upcoming article on this topic.
