“Senior Garda Claims Russia Spying in Ireland”

Assistant Commissioner Michael McElgunn, responsible for state security in Ireland, has revealed that Russia is among a few nations reportedly involved in espionage within the country. Speaking on RTÉ’s This Week programme, he outlined how some states embark on malign spying activities, perpetrating distrust in the government and theft of state and industrial secrets, actions which serve to tarnish Ireland’s reputation.

McElgunn acknowledged his concerns for these rogue nations carrying out spying activities on Irish soil with malicious intentions. He explained that their goal is not only to sow seeds of doubt in the government but also to bolster extremist groups. By stealing state and industrial secrets, they considerably dent a country’s reputation.

The assistant commissioner and his team are vigilant of individuals suspected of participation in such activities. The unit’s job scope is global, keeping track of the movement of hostile state agents and their entry into Ireland owing to the transient nature of these agents.

Whilst careful in his speech, due to Ireland’s diplomatic ties with these countries, McElgunn alluded to Russia being one of these states. He referenced high-profile incidents in Salisbury, UK, and other UK-based events, as well as the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Despite the European Union seeing China as an economic competitor and systemic rival, McElgunn remarked on Ireland’s good relationship with the Asian superpower. However, he did note that the Chinese Communist Party’s foreign policy bears a significant interest to several, if not most, Western intelligence agencies given the contrasting world view China has compared to the West.
