Self-Service Method for Digital Government Resources

Dear Editor,

I find it noteworthy that as government and local authority services shift from traditional methods to digital ‘do-it-yourself’ platforms, the question arises whether a decrease in fees should be anticipated. I came across this conundrum while recently renewing my driver’s licence online.

The fact that I utilised my own domestic set-up to facilitate the renewal procedure, spent on powering electricity for the operation, and utilised my own computer for online documentation raises interesting implications. This even includes the cost of my time. Nonetheless, all these were tethered to a sluggish internet connection.

The charges associated with this DIY driving licence renewal were €55. Despite understanding that every facet of life has certain costs attached, there is significant justification in the expectation for the cost of providing these services to decrease as digital channels become the new norm.

Should our government seek to establish a digital citizen labour force, indirectly though it may be, financial incentives must be in place to motivate more engagement with electronic services. Kind regards,

John Tierney,
County Waterford.

Written by Staff

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