Securing a competitive advantage in the realm of graduate employment

In an exceedingly competitive job market that prizes skills and qualifications, the scramble for graduates has reached peak intensity. “Graduates are spoilt for choice in terms of potential employers,” suggests Jenny Hayes, Ibec’s chief instructor of management and the current director of the Ibec Academy. Employers strive to recruit the most skilled and brightest minds, realising the imperative need to retain them. It is evident to them that job satisfaction is crucial for employee retention. Thus, increasing emphasis is being laid on delineating clear career trajectories and personal development opportunities for staff. These incentives serve to attract individuals to organisations. It is essential to remember that today’s graduates are tomorrow’s leaders; accordingly, employers are keen on their development.

This significance of continual learning and progression was accentuated in an HR survey conducted by Ibec previously. The survey identified learning and development as the key priority for HR managers, with 66% attributing paramount importance to it. Leadership development, talent strategy, talent sourcing, and mapped out learning possibilities for fresh graduates followed suit.

The Ibec Academy partners with firms to create and implement customised high-impact, pertinent schemes for employee development. “Our aim is to revolutionise an organisation’s workforce, performance metrics and all-round results, drawing from the latest industry expertise and real-life experiences”, Hayes discusses.

She goes on to add that “Companies approach us for structured graduate recruitment and external education aspects. We devise unique programmes to address specific business needs. Frequently, individuals from the company participate in the conception and execution of the programmes. For instance, finance staff might contribute relevant insights into various business dimensions.”

Pointedly, the Ibec Academy offers a CPD Diploma in Professional Competence which is particularly beneficial for new graduates. This comprehensive programme provides a basic understanding of commercial intelligence, leadership, communication proficiency, teamwork, career growth, performer and people management, time optimisation, conflict resolution, to name a few. Furthermore, other topics like motivation, presentation skills, organisational conduct, finance, decision making and self-awareness are also part of the curriculum.

This programme is endorsed by TU Dublin, courtesy of Ibec’s strategic alliance. “This accreditation is crucial and increases the programme’s worth as candidates also receive an award recognised by the National Framework of Qualifications,” shares O’Reilly.

As per her elaboration, employers are on the lookout for skills that can be readily utilised at a job. Frequently, these include soft skills, like teamwork, collaboration, problem-solving, and the capacity for maintaining good interpersonal relationships. It’s also necessary to have effective time management, critical thinking, and leadership skills. The company supports graduates to identify their core strengths and further enhance them. One’s attitude is a key determinant of their appeal to employers. Fresh graduates often display an overconfidence, which can be off-putting. It’s important to demonstrate a balanced demeanor. A Disney executive once imparted his advice that they prefer hiring individuals who possess a positive attitude and provide them with specialized training.

Ibec Academy’s programmes are not limited to new graduates. They offer numerous management development programmes in different areas, such as personal development, leadership development, employment law, and occupational safety and health. In recent years, the growth in AI has led to the inclusion of related programmes, one of them being ‘AI for HR’. They are also working towards gaining accreditation for a similar course from TU Dublin later in the year. Apart from this, they provide businesses with guidance on proper AI usage.

The academy acknowledges the growing importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG), and have recently introduced a four-day certificate programme on the same. This programme is gaining popularity, advising businesses on how to devise and bring into action an ESG strategy. The academy is also committed to promoting workplace diversity and inclusion, offering a course specifically tailored for this.

The well-being of the workforce is another area that commands attention. It is primarily the company managers that Ibec deals with, as their performance is crucial to their respective teams. There’s a one-day programme designed specifically to cultivate a culture of well-being within the office. The KeepWell programme, part of Ibec’s initiatives, targets fundamental aspects of workplace well-being like leadership, mental health, absence management, physical activity and healthy eating. It is instrumental in helping companies to identify areas needing improvement to earn the KeepWell Mark.

Written by Staff

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