Scientifically Proven – Riding Motorcycles Keeps You Young

According to a Ryuta Kawashima, a software designer for Brain Training, citing a new scientific study conducted jointly by Yamaha Motor and Tohoku University proves that riding motorcycles keeps you young by invigorating your brain.
“The driver’s brain gets activated by riding motorbikes” in part because it requires heightened alertness.

In a convenient and easy environment, the human mind and body get used to setting the hurdle low,” he warned.
“Our final conclusion is that riding motorcycles can lead to smart ageing.
”The study was done on middle-aged men and one experiment involved 22 men, all in their 40s and 50s, who held motorcycle licences but had not taken a ride for at least a decade.
They were randomly split into two groups, one asked to resume riding motorcycles in everyday life for two months, and another that kept using bicycles or cars.
“The group that rode motorbikes posted higher marks in cognitive function tests,” Kawashima said.
In a another test, required the men to remember a set of numbers in reverse order, the riders’ scores jumped by more than 50 percent in two months, while the non-riders’ marks deteriorated slightly, he said.

Did anyone really need to do study to prove that riding motorcycles makes you feel young, free and happy?

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