Millions of school children get an extra week off school

This will help schools to roll out Covid testing during Christmas holidays

Millions of children in England will have another week off school during Christmas holidays while schools roll out Covid testing. Older students will study at home and online instead.

Christmas holidays: extra week off school

So, the Christmas holidays will continue for millions of children. At the same time, older students told to study at home and online instead. The Army will help teachers to carry out tests on teenagers in secondary schools and colleges.

Primary school kids, key workers’ children and key exam year kids will go back on the first day back. On the other hand, children in secondary schools will be allotted a time to go in that week and take a Covid test but will return full time until the following week.

Testing in schools: the voices of political world

Schools and colleges will offer testing two rapid tests three days apart to students. Today, a No10 spokesperson said: “The start of term won’t be delayed but we are asking secondary schools to take a staggered return, with online learning, with in-person teaching for all starting on 11 January.”

Moreover, Matt Hancock, Health Secretary, said: “Testing in schools is crucial for us to break the chains of transmission and keep students, staff and their loved ones safe“. Hancock also added that this will help schools and colleges open safely.

Finally, The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “We have been clear throughout on the importance of schools, both in terms of the learning that children require but also the development and mental health gains it brings by being able to attend school. We have been clear that it’s in the best interest for all children to attend.”

Written by Harry John

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