Scheme for Tax Relief on Room Rentals

Dear Sir,

Around 23 years ago in April 2001, a scheme known as “rent-a-room” relief was put into place to inspire homeowners to lease out rooms in their homes. This was aimed at mitigating the housing shortage that was prevalent during that period. Under this scheme, a homeowner was allowed to rent a room in their house, free of tax, provided the total annual income did not cross the €14,000 mark. Fast-forward to the present, we find ourselves in the throes of another similar housing crunch, with university and college students nationwide desperately seeking suitable living arrangements. Regardless of the substantial rise in the cost of living over the last two decades, the yearly rental limit of €14,000 has remained steadfastly unchanged. The question begs, why has this not been reviewed? Yours sincerely,

Dublin 3.
