Sauce of succulent mushrooms and gradually roasted garlic, presented in a creamy consistency

Materials Needed:
– 400g of chestnut mushrooms
– 3 small bulbs of brown onion
– A full head of garlic
– 8 tablespoons of olive oil
– Sea salt to taste
– 150ml of cream
– 100g of crème fraîche
– 4 tablespoons of soy sauce
– Juice extracted from one lemon
– Pre-warm the oven to 140 degrees. Prepare a baking tray with a large piece of aluminium foil.
– Cut the mushrooms into four segments and position at the center of the foil. After peeling the onions and chopping off the ends, slice them into two parts. Add the onions halves with the mushrooms on the foil, accompanied by the whole head of garlic.
– Elevate the sides of the aluminium foil, next, trickle the olive oil on the mushrooms, onions and garlic. Ensure it’s properly seasoned with sea salt.
– Pull the opposite sides of the foil to the center, ensuring the sides meet. Fold one edge on top of the other, then fold up the remaining sides to form a tightly sealed package.
– Put in the oven and let it cook at 140 degrees for 120 minutes.
– Carefully extract it from the oven and open the foil wrap. Using a serrated blade, delicately cut off the base of the garlic and press out the roasted garlic pulp into a food processor. Add the roasted mushrooms, onions and every drop of the juice from the foil into the processor. Following that, add the cream, crème fraîche, soy sauce and lemon juice and blend. Conduct a seasoning check and make adjustments with sea salt if required.
– Decant the sauce into a kitchen storage jar. It can be refrigerated for a couple of days.
– While preparing your pasta, you can reheat the sauce in a small pot, you may add more cream and a bit of the pasta’s water to achieve a smooth consistency if necessary.
