Sardinia mediaeval carnival celebrations finish with horse accident

Who would have though that a Medieval pageant re-enactment could get so dangerous? At the end of Italy’s carnival celebrations, in this video you can see the traditional Sa Sartiglia, or medieval pageant held in Oristano, in Sardinia.
The Sartiglia takes place every year and involves an Italian medieval festival with costumes, horses, acrobatics and games, including jousting.

This year though, a horse died of a heart attack and in this video, a spectator running in front of galloping horses, was trampled under hoof.
The festival finished early than planned, after the traditional salute and blessing with bunches of violets that symbolise the oncoming spring.
The spectator is reported to be in a stable but serious condition, though he will likely reconsider running in front of horses again.
The festival concludes with the racing of the famers guild, children’s pony rides and the racing of the carpenters guild.
For more information on Sardinia’s most famous carnival celebrations, go to Fondazione Sa Sartiglia.
