Santa Maria del Popolo: a sacred museum in the heart of Rome

Piazza del popolo is one of the most visited places in Rome.
Maybe because tourists have to go that way to reach Pincio or maybe simply because they like taking a stroll down Via del Babbuino, though I’m pretty sure that many of them will never meet with Caravaggio‘s and Pinturicchio’s paintings.

They are not on display at any exhibition, one should just step inside a Church called Santa Maria del Popolo where they have been hanging for centuries.
A list of masterpieces that will take your breath away.
Just a few titles to brush up your Art knowledge: The Crucifixion of Saint Peter and The Conversion of Saint Paul by Caravaggio and to top it all frescoes by Pinturicchio.
The church was built on Nero’s tomb or so they say at least and the annexed chapel projected by Raffaello hosts several statues by Bernini.
A sacred, beautiful place that holds many invaluable treasures.
It can be easily reached by bus or if you prefer by subway.
Check it out! You won’t be disappointed!
