Sand Nativity scene on view at Jesolo

Besides being the place where every year many holidays makers decide to spend their summer holidays, the lovely town of Jesolo, near Venice, is also famed for its artistic Nativity scene which a group of talented artists every year make from sand.
This year they have drawn their inspiration from such great masterpieces as Francesco di Giorgio Martini ’s Adoration of The Shepherd and Leonardo’s Annunciation.

The sand Nativity scene always features statues depicting outstanding personalities the world hailed as bringers of peace; from Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Mahatma Gandhi to the late Pope John Paul II.
The Presepe which never fails to draw visitors in droves will be on view until 31 December.
Opening hours: every day from 10 to 12 and from 14 to 19 ( with extended opening hours on Saturdays and Festivals)

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