San Gimignano: Medieval Manhattan of Tuscany

When you close your eyes and think of New York or other big modern cities you usually imagine thousands of skyscrapers rising proudly towards the sky and yet such a cityscape doesn’t look so modern or futuristic as one might think.
Look back and you will have a similar skyline; cities redolent of a glorious past and dotted with soaring towers.

San Gimignano in Tuscany for instance in the Middle Ages had more than 72 towers; the tallest of which was (and still is) Torre Grossa or Big Tower with a height of 54 metres.
Some of those towers succumbed to the ravages of time and weather long ago but 18 of them, thank God, have survived and can still be admired in the old town of San Gimignano – informally known as the Medieval Manhattan of Tuscany!
