“Salt-Baked Celeriac with Horseradish Salad”

Here’s what you’ll need to assemble this recipe:

– 280 grams of all-purpose flour
– 120 grams of fine sea salt, more for seasoning
– Water (to bind)
– 1 celeriac
– 150 grams of crème fraîche
– A thumb-sized piece of raw horseradish
– Juice obtained from half a lemon
– 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
– 3 tablespoons of olive oil
– 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
– Half a tablespoon of Dijon mustard
– Freshly ground black pepper
– 2 banana shallots
– A generous portion of flat-leaf parsley
– A bunch of dill sprigs

Now, let’s get to cooking:

Firstly, pre-warm the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees. Combine your flour and salt in a mixer and blend using a dough hook. The speed setting should be moderate. Gradually introduce water at ambient temperature, just enough for the ingredients to bind. Carry on mixing until you attain a smooth dough, similar in feel to pie crust. Leave this to stand for about a quarter of an hour.

Dust your worktop lightly with flour and transfer the dough onto it. Roll out the dough with a pin until it forms a large disc of substantial thickness. Take your celeriac, peel it and position it in the bread’s midpoint. From there, enfold the celeriac with the dough, thoroughly enclosing it. Ensuring there’s no trapped air or holes in the dough.

Put this on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. Bake for approximately an hour at 200 degrees.

In the meantime, you can prepare the horseradish crème fraîche, vinaigrette and salad. To do this, pour crème fraîche in a bowl. Peel your horseradish and grate half of it finely into the bowl. Add in some lemon extract, Dijon mustard, followed by a pinch of salt. Then mix it all together thoroughly with a spoon.

To prepare the vinaigrette, you’ll need to combine the oil, vinegar, Dijon mustard, and a pinch of salt and pepper in a bowl, whisk them together with a hand whisk.

Peel the banana shallots and slice them thinly. Break these slices down into rings. Add these to a bowl along with your picked flat leaf parsley and sprigs of dill. Just before you’re ready to serve, lightly coat the salad with the vinaigrette.

After baking the celeriac for sixty minutes, take it out of the oven. Dispose of the tough dough and cut the celeriac into hefty pieces. When it’s time to dish up, arrange the celeriac cuts on the plates and also add a portion of the salad, which has been properly dressed. Top the servings with horseradish crème fraîche and sprinkle with finely shredded horseradish as a finishing touch.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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