Salad with Vietnamese-style beef

For 2 persons, this recipe is suitable as lunch or dinner. It takes 20 minutes each for both preparation and cooking.

Here are the ingredients you will need:
– Dressing (80ml of kecap manis, 1 tbsp of fish sauce, 40g of brown sugar, juice from 1 lime, a whole star anise, a thumb-sized portion of chopped ginger, a red chilli sliced in half and a sliced clove of garlic)
– 1 nest of vermicelli rice noodles
– 2 striploin steaks (each of 200g)
– Sea salt and black pepper for seasoning
– 1 thinly sliced Bok choi, a slice of Chinese cabbage and a red onion
– Another sliced red chilli
– Fresh mint and coriander leaves

To prepare the dressing, place all its ingredients in a small pot and heat it up. Let it boil, lower the heat and let it simmer for 3-4 minutes. Strain the dressing into a container to let it cool.

Put the noodles in a large bowl and pour boiling water from the kettle over them. Let them soften for 5 minutes before draining and setting aside.

Allow the steak to reach room temperature before you cook it. This can be done by taking it out of the refrigerator 20 minutes prior to cooking. Heat up a large non-stick frying pan over medium to high heat and add some oil to it. Make sure that the oil gets very hot. Season both sides of the steak with sea salt. Putting them in the pan, let them cook undisturbed for two minutes on each side. Lower the heat afterward. A metal skewer can be used to check the readiness of the steaks. If they are slightly warm inside, then they are ready. Remove the steaks if you want them rare and wait until they are at room temperature when tested with a skewer. If you prefer well-done, wait until the skewer feels hot.

Lastly, let the steaks rest for five minutes on a wire rack. Spruce them up with a dash of black pepper. Enjoy your meal!

As the steaks take their rest, prepare the salad. Incorporate the Bok choi, Chinese cabbage, red onion, red chilli, mint and coriander leaves slices into a spacious bowl, and combine them together. Introduce the vermicelli noodles along with three tablespoons of the salad dressing, and gently amalgamate everything, ensuring the vegetables and noodles have an equal distribution of the dressing.

When it comes to presenting the dish, a spoonful of the dressed salad should be placed onto the dishes, followed by slices of the rested steaks. Round off the appearance with an ample garnish of refreshing coriander and mint leaves, a few additional slices of red chilli and a splash more of dressing.

Written by Staff

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