Saint Lawrence not a Caravaggio original

After news of a possible discover of a new Caravaggio painting – “San Lorenzo” – the painting has been determined not to be of Caravaggio origin.
The ‘Martirio di San Lorenzo’ was originally reported by the Vatican newspaper, Osservatore Romano, as possibly being by Caravaggio, but the newspaper has since revealed that this is most likely not be the case.

The head of the Vatican Museums, Antonio Paolucci, has stated that the Saint Lawrence work is most likely a copy of an original Caravaggio.
The Italians are describing the affair as an example of Caravaggio-mania in a year in which the country is celebrating the 400th anniversary of the painter’s death.
Paolucci has stated that the painting in question, a depiction of the martyrdom of Saint Lawrence on a gridiron, is a work of modest quality by flawed painting techniques.
It doesn’t show the quality of a true Caravaggio and the statements confirm the doubts of Maurizio Marini, Caravaggio expert, on the authenticity of the painting when it was first found.
According to reports, Saint Lawrence was not a subject that would have been known to Caravaggio.
