Safeguarding Ireland’s Hare

Subject: Contemporary Start of Hare-Coursing Season – A Call to Action.

Dear reader,

With the advent of another hare-coursing season soon, the political class continues to ignore not only activists’ appeals but also the excruciating wails of distressed hares, showing no signs of putting an end to this brutal “game”.

As we head towards the next general elections, it is my strong belief that those who feel a shared sense of distress with these traumatised hares should express their concerns to their prospective Dáil representatives.

Two undeniable arguments warrant the prohibition of this pastime. Firstly, the irrefutable argument against it, based on the fundamentals of animal wellbeing. Despite precautionary measures like greyhound muzzling, hares continue to be brutalised, tossed around, and treated like inanimate objects. They are subjected to unimaginable horrors that often lead to critical bone injuries or induce unprecedented stress levels resulting in death due to extended confinement and manipulated pursuit.

The second justification for outlawing the activity is of equal importance: the Irish hare, a unique variant of the mountain hare exclusive to Ireland and a relic from the Ice Age period, has been witnessing a troubling decline over the last half-century owing to habitat destruction.

In the face of this categorical conservation and animal welfare crisis, our politicians continue to side-step the issue. Isn’t it high time they chose to protect our wildlife heritage over attempting politically beneficial actions?

Our indigenous hares deserve a fate better than the torturous existence offered by this so-called “sport”.


John Fitzgerald,
County Kilkenny.

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