“Russian Drone Strikes Ukraine Energy Facility”

Russian forces initiated a nocturnal drone assault across Ukraine over the weekend, specifically targeting a power station in the northeastern Sumy area, according to official reports. The Ukrainian air force confirmed that anti-drone squads and air defence contingents successfully neutralised 24 out of the 27 hostile drones that infiltrated 12 domains.

Following the assault, the state’s electricity operator Ukrenergo announced that damage to the power plant in Sumy necessitated an emergency power cut-off for industrial users in the locality. Repair crews are striving to rectify the situation.

Details regarding casualties or additional destruction remain unrevealed. Russian forces have amplified their attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure since March, disabling a significant portion of thermal and hydropower plants and ensuing in countrywide power outages. As the country grapples with an energy deficit, Ukrenergo has been compelled to institute scheduled nationwide power cuts.

Entrenched hardship beset Ukraine’s energy network following the invasion by Russia in February of the previous year. Over the last trimester, Russian missile and drone occurrences have obliterated approximately half of its functional generation ability. ~ Reuters
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