Rossi – Stoner incident in Jerez: latest info and video

The FIM must be trying to flex its weakened muscles with the Jerez Race Direction, because they’ve decided to organize a hearing with the Clerk of the Course and the Chief Marshal in order to review the Valentino Rossi and Casey Stoner incident and to hear the explanation of the officials in charge.

The Rossi/Stoner crash became even more controversial when the marshals ‘apparently’ aided more Rossi than Stoner and after being blasted for their behaviour by Stoner, that included a terrific and very Italian umbrella gesture on his part, Livio Suppo (on TV), Marco Simoncelli and his team manager Fausto Gresini (we’d sure like to hear Randy de Puniet’s take on the matter, because he too was left to fend for himself).
However the FIM’s statement also stated, “Due to the fact that the final decision of the Race Direction will not affect the result of the race, the hearing will be organized on Thursday April 28 in Estoril, Portugal.
” You guys want to know what the outcome of this hearing will be? The marshals will be judged as Rossi boppers and incompetent, and the guys who volunteer for the next year’s event will get a big debriefing on how to and how not to act in these particular occasions.

Case closed, end of story.
