Touring Rome is more than enough for us to realise the historical and cultural patrimony of the city, but what we don’t always realise is how much Rome’s monuments and artworks are the subject of vandalism.
Now, in the height of summer with more tourists and locals with nothing to do, Rome has instigated its new task force against such vandalism.
In the past, many of Rome’s monuments and statues have been vandalised, including Ponte Milvio, the Fontana della Barcaccia in Piazza Spagna, the fountain of the four rivers in Piazza Navona and even the Trevi Fountain itself.
Rome even had the sadness to see swastikas and celtic figures graffited onto one of the fountains of the Villa Borghese after Italy’s World Cup game against New Zealand.
Given the sheer number of historical and artistic monuments in the city, it seems vandals are spoiled by choice.
The cultural task force of the provincial Carabinieri command will be back this summer in both undercover and uniform operations to discourage and catch vandals of Rome’s precious monuments.
While the guys at 06blog say that it’s often locals who undervalue their city, and tourists from around the world who really appreciate, we’re hoping that Rome will be better protected from mindless acts of vandalism by anyone.