Rome sends 725 euro clean-up bill to the mother of dead scooter rider

Some stories are hard to believe in this day and age, while others like the one we are posting about today are so absurd that they would ridiculous if they weren’t so tragic, and after you’ve read it, you’ll want to kick some paper pushing over-zealous bureaucrat in the nuts for the complete lack of sympathy and tact towards a mother who lost her 15-year old son in a scooter accident in 2009.

Alessandra Mezzetti, the mother of the victim of the crash, received a 725 euro clean-up bill from the Roman office of Safety and Enviroment to pay for the removal of her son’s blood from the city street after he crashed his scooter and died after hitting a lamp post.
The bill was due because the city had to use special machinery to remove the blood stains that could have caused ’safety issues’ to others.
If receiving an invoice from the city’s insurance company wasn’t enough to break a mother’s heart all over again, that particular public lamp post was not even supposed to located in that spot and infact it was removed following the fatal accident and now several people involved are being investigated for involuntary manslaughter.

Following the outcry after the story hit the newspapers, the Mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno, tweeted that the city would be taking care of the bill and he would try to punish who asked Mezzetti for the money.

Written by Unit

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