Rome: Michelangelo Buonarroti, architect, drawn into view with new exhibition

Michelangelo‘s art has, over the centuries, attracted millions of people from all over the world and Rome the city where the artist gave birth to many of his masterpieces will soon host an important exhibition devoted to his architectural projects.
At the Capitoline Museums visitors will have the unique opportunity to see many of his drawings and paper plans; not only those for Saint Peter and the Sistine Chapel (which features the famous Creation of Adam and The Last Judgement) but also the plans he drew for the beautiful Palazzo Farnese (the inner courtyard), the Capitoline Square and the amazing Porta Pia.

But, as many of you know, Michelangelo was also a great painter and sculptor; his are the Crucifixion of Saint Peter, the tomb of Pope Julius II and the famous statue depicting Moses.
Michelangelo Buonarroti Architetto a Roma Michelangelo was a real genius and his works are so breathtakingly beautiful that people are often left speechless before them, but according to Bernini Michelangelo was, first of all, a magnificent architect; it was in his architectural works that Michelangelo defied the conventions of his time.

The exhibition will start on October 7
