Rome celebrates 400th anniversary of Caravaggi0’s death

Rome played an important role in Caravaggio ‘s art and in order to celebrate the 400 anniversary of his death, the eternal city has organised, besides the major exhibition taking place at the Scuderie del Quirinale (we had the chance to write about it a few weeks ago) a series of events which will give people the opportunity to get a deeper insight into the life and art of this extraordinary artist who changed art for ever.

Caravaggio led a wild life, with a behaviour sometimes bordering on insanity and this initiative called Sulle Orme di Caravaggio will take you on amazing journey into a perilous and fascinating life.
The Caravaggio tour include visits to Santa Maria della Consolazione, Piazza Ponte Sant’Angelo, Piazza della Chiesa Nuova, Sant’Agostino and Santa Maria della Scala in the Trastevere district (for this very church Caravaggio painted the famous Death of the Virgin which was then rejected as unfit by the parish).
By the way, you can also get the Caravaggio card; with it visitors get discounts and free admissions and remember that all visits start on April 10.

For more information write to: centroguideroma@gmail.
com, tel.
06 6390409, mob.
335 6591023)Painting I bari, on loan from Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth (Texas)
