Rome by night photo gallery

Living in Rome often means negotiating traffic problems, transport strikes, and the daily drudge of routine and chaos.
If you know Italians, you will find they often lament their own lack of appreciation for the beauty of their country, saying that foreigners and tourists are more knowledgeable and appreciative than the natives themselves.

This is possibly true of many countries in the world, and so our colleagues at Rome’s 06blog have passed us this photo gallery of Rome by night, in an attempt to stop awhile and look at the beauty they’re surrounded by.
The photos come from Tinux81, an Italian living in Rome who has a passion for photography.
While he’s only been seriously pursuing his interest in photography for two years, we certainly appreciate his Rome by night pics.
Photography for Tinux81 is only a hobby, albeit an expensive one, but he says “Rome is a beautiful city, how can you not love it?”.
Currently he prefers photographing lanscapes, city scapes and still subjects, though he is undergoing a course in how to photograph people and moving objects.

He uses a Nikon D80, with a variety of lenses, and has some advice as to where to go in Rome if you love photography, but try both day and night scenes.
Tinux81 says that Rome is full of possibilities for photographers, with monuments, side streets and many interesting people.
His favourite episode of taking photographs in Rome is on the Metro, Line A, where he says people were actually very kind and friendly, with the colours and window graffiti providing interesting effects.
