Rolls Royce gets loungeroom in Abu Dhabi

It would be easy to confuse this Rolls Royce Abu Dhabi dealership for a luxury hotel lobby or loungeroom.
The new Rolls showroom in Abu Dhabi is the biggest for the brand in the world, measuring 900 m2.
It holds a space for five models on display, an office area, bar and a “boudoir” where each potential customer can configure their Roller.

The new showroom is a kind of homage to the Middle East whose market has contributed 15 percent to Rolls Royce global production figures.
Of 82 Rolls Royce dealerships around the world, eight are in the Middle East, and the newly opened Abu Dhabi store has the new Spirit of Ecstasy Centenery Collection Phantom Drophead Coupé on display.
I’d go just to sit on one of those lounges….

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