“Ro Yourell: ‘Commencer’ – Unconventional Coming-of-Age Album”

As Ro Yourell illustrates, “Commencer” is an album of maturation, though not as typically anticipated. Rather than focusing on simplistic revelations, this record delves into the exploration of acceptance stemming from varying kinds of loss.

In songs such as “Dream Aloud”, Yourell sings of being more perpetrator than victim, thus sending us into thoughtful territory. The song “Freedom” maintains this thoughtfulness, targeting systems that intensify inequality. This song culminates in an astronomical climax that sees the meeting of Simon & Garfunkel and Fleet Foxes, accompanied by an entrancing, nebulous echo that permeates much of the album.

This dreamlike noise makes its way throughout the majority of the record, which has really well-thought-out segments: The gentle disharmony of “Don’t Let Me” paves the way for the luminous, crystal-clear piano of “Mary”, while the dainty keys on “How My Heart Beats” pave the way for the enchanting guitars of the lovely “Forest Gate”.

The album has some intriguing influences. Traces of Mike Scott or possibly John Bramwell appear to thread their way into songs like “Dance With You” or the delightful “When You Look At Me”, which exude straightforwardness and humour.

“Citadel” situates us firmly in a distinct kind of American cultural frame from the 1960s/1970s, complete with rich melodic references. Its expansive cinematic magnitude, along with its sense of journeying, seeks but never settles. Among the album’s standouts is “Incinerate”, undergirded by Yourell’s oddly atmospheric guitar and falsetto vocals. Up against a starkly segregated world, it condemns the rise of consumerism and convenience, arguing that we are slowly surrendering our autonomy and compassion to indifference. It adds a unique layer to the album, encouraging listeners to take an active role in their own lives.

The song “Weightless”, stripped back to beautiful string arrangements (courtesy of Colm Mac Con Iomaire), takes us to a tender and introspective emotional space, which is at the heart of this intriguing, harmonious collection of songs.
