Ritratto Barocco or Baroque Portrait on display at the villa d’Este, Rome

I’m pretty sure that many of you have heard of the famous Villa d’Este, near Rome.
An architectural masterpiece commissioned by Cardinal Ippolito d’Este, after being appointed governor of Tivoli by the Pope.
This magnificent villa renowned for its spectacular fountains and lovely gardens is now hosting a new art exhibition dedicated to the Baroque Period; 37 portraits of cardinals, dukes and noblewomen such as Maria Farnese, wife of Prince Francesco I d’Este; paintings that will give you a deeper insight in the art and lives of that particular period in History even though you must bear in mind that 17th century painters were not really interested in the psychology of their subjects and usually preferred to underpin their political power and social prestige.

The exhibition featuring such big names as Van Dyck, Guercino and Nicolas Regner will close on 3rd November.
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday; 8:30 – 18:30; closed on Mondays.
For further information please click here
