Restaurants in Tuscany: Ape Regina at Montiano

This lovely restaurant called Ape Regina di Montiano or The Bee Queen of Montiano came as a complete surprise! I had not expected to come upon such an elegant and sophisticated restaurant out in in the sticks, even though it’s not too far from the beautiful city of Grosseto (Tuscany).

I was literally mesmerised by its green walls and bizarre baroque portraits of bee queens which rather majestically lined the room.
Indeed the whole restaurant had a baroque or rococo décor and the atmosphere I took in there was cosy and warm and this is partly thanks to the luxurious white table cloths, the beautiful bronze plates and the romantic candlesticks which bathed the room in a golden light.
To be truthful however, the menu was not particularly rich but the dishes I tasted such as the bruschetta (a slice of toasted bread) with tomato, Holland cheese and artichoke and the fillet with green pepper were simply superb.
The place is also famous for its pizza which according to some is the best in the whole area.
By the way, for such a delicious dinner I spent only 40 euros which in my opinion has to be superb value.

L’Ape ReginaVia della Madonnina, 1Montiano (Gr)Phone 0564589872Closed on Mondays (except Summer months)
