Restaurants in Rome: I Laureati in Monteverde

If you’re in the area of Monteverde in Rome, you could think about dropping in at I Laureati for a meal.
We wouldn’t recommend a special trip for this restaurant in Rome, but for a decent spot in the area, you could do worse.
Not far from Villa Pamphili in Rome, the restaurant has a terrace for outdoor eating in summer and there is a lovely wood-fired pizza oven indoors.

The pizza list is long and varied, and for a few different dishes try the mixed fried platter, potatoes, olives and mozzarella for starters.
With starters, pizza topped with speck, mushrooms, buffalo mozzarella and smoked provola, some water and a couple of large beers (Rome is hot in summer), you’ll spend about 25 euros a head.
I Laureati restaurant is located on Via Luigi Zambarelli 35/37.
