Restaurant Vivibistrot at Doria Pamphili Park in Rome

Villa Pamphili is one of the biggest and loveliest parks in Rome; during the summer it usually attracts a colourful crowd of joggers, old people reading on the benches, children on their bikes and of course lovers taking a romantic stroll down its lanes.
It’s lovely to have a picnic on the grass or under an old tree when the sun is shining and the air is sweet, but the big news is that this time you can buy your picnic food hamper from ViviBistrot, a small restaurant that, thanks to this rather innovative idea, is doing quite well.

The price of these food hampers ranges from € 5,00 to 18,00 (and if your are a couple you can have a deluxe hamper for only 50,00); there are four rich menus to choose from and if you don’t want to waste time at the counter you can even make online reservations so everything will be ready when you arrive.
The menus featuring only biological food are simple but quite tasty: omelette sandwiches, cold pasta, delicious salads of all kinds (feta salad, currant salad, rice salad and more) and scrumptious muffins and lemon tarts.

The kit is either biodegradable or recyclable.
My tip is to have the picnic near the enchanting pond from which one can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Alegardi Lodge (Casino Alegardi) By the way, ViviBistrot also organizes a wide variety of events, including birthday parties for your children.
Restaurant Vivi BistrotVilla Doria PamphiliVia Vitellia 102/ via Leone XIIIopening hours: 8.
30 – 20.
00; closed on MondaysMail: info@vivibistrot.
it; website: www.
