Report from the Taskforce on Dublin City

Dear Editor,

Henry Roberts has expressed his thoughts on Una Mullally’s review of the much-anticipated Dublin City Taskforce report, observing the lack of initiative and vision that has been afflicting our cherished city for an extended period. It is equal parts amusing and lamentably discouraging that a newly released report offers a set of proposals that have already been implemented at the time of its distribution.

As Rory Sutherland, an influential figure in British behavioural science, has noted, economists and accountants hold a significant amount of sway worldwide. Even though their contributions are undeniably important, they can occasionally hinder creative problem-solving, especially for large-scale issues like revitalising a city. Some benefits that a city can derive are not always reflected in financial terms.

The Dublin City Council’s DCC Beta initiative has been functional for multiple years, introducing and experimenting with novel and inventive ideas on a small scale to ascertain their cost-effectiveness. While it’s important to factor in monetary expense, shouldn’t we also allow these pioneering individuals to explore more audacious ideas on a bigger scale in the city? Worth mentioning is that Dublin’s appeal as a city to reside in is progressively diminishing. We surely need to step out of our comfort zone and try new approaches, instead of simply rehashing the same tedious strategies over and over again.

Henry Roberts,
Harold’s Cross,
Dublin 6.

Written by Staff

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