Regis Laconi returns to France

According to French website Motorevue, Regis Laconi ‘s health is steadily getting better.
His friend and lawyer Paul-Louis Collignon was on hand when Laconi landed in a Paris for a rest stop before being flown the next day to Marseilles, where he will be taken to an Aix en Provence clinic for rehabilitation, reported that Laconi got out of his wheelchair and embraced him.

Paul Louis Collignon:“He looks drawn and tired, but that’s what you’d expect for someone who has spent 20 days in hospital, going through what he has.
But it’s great, it’s like a dream to see him so well.
It will still take a long time for him to be fully fit again, but he has already made huge progress already.
”The lawyer also reported that the French rider is able to move his head up and down, left and right the and has acquired total mobility of all four limbs.
His speech is almost normal, even if he has the tendency to mix up French, Italian and the English languages and is occasionally out of touch with reality, but his latest scans shows that the cerebral hematoma is slowly being absorbed.

Collignon also said that Laconi demanded the car keys because he was insisting on driving so they could arrive sooner and that one of the female medics that accompanied the injured rider on the Europ Assistance long flight from Johannesburg, got her back side pinched and a marriage proposal from Laconi.

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