Red or white: Winephoto 2008

If anyone has ever undertaken a wine tasting course, you would know that the ‘look’ of the wine is not to be underestimated in the course of judging the liquid.
And now a photographic competition taking place in Mogliano Veneto is celebrating the more romantic visuals of a glass of wine.

The international contest Winephoto 2008 will award the best photographic works of wine, selected by a jury.
Partecipation is free though the first prizes will have a combined value of 6500 euro.
Not bad for not having even tasted the wine at this point.
Competition entries close the 14th of June and will then be judged by a panel selecting 20 of the best.
Five photos will then be eligible for awards and the initiative is sponsored by wine company Balan, together with the Mogliano Veneto council.
