Reassessing Fuel Taxation

Dear Reader, – In her impressive scrutiny titled “The Impact of 13 Years of Fine Gael Rule on Your Taxes” (Your Money, 24th September), Fiona Reddan has overlooked an important upsurge in household and business expenses in Ireland.

Not targeting any specific party, it’s worth noting that since the current administration took the reigns in June 2020, and including the planned carbon tax hike for the 2025 Budget, there will be a significant surge in the unit tax on petrol – up by 21.6% from 85.85 cents to 104.37 cents, and diesel – up by 27.4% from 73.60 cents to 93.78 cents.

“Fuels for Ireland” organisation suggests that a specialist panel be set up to conduct an exhaustive assessment of fuel taxes. They believe that it should aim for equilibrium between three factors – advancing the move towards renewable and sustainable energy, generating sensible revenue from energy for the State, and ensuring that Ireland’s transport and heating provisions remain fairly priced for everyone. – Yours sincerely,

Chief Executive,
Fuels for Ireland,
Dublin 6.
